Feasibility Study on Type-B Terminal Location of Gorontalo City Using Analytical Hierarchy Process


A well-functioning urban and regional transportation system is one of determining factors in creating an efficient urban area. Terminal is one of important components in a regional and urban transportation system where people and goods are in and out in a system. Given the importance of a terminal, it should be located in a strategic place. This study is to evaluate the best location for a type-B terminal in Gorontalo City. Method of analysis used was Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) in which eight criteria of feasibility, based on related regulations, literature on the field, and FGD are tested in terms of their consistency and analyzed their scores. Based on the gradation of the selection process of type-B terminal location in Gorontalo City, the second alternative (located in Limba U1 Kota Selatan subdistrict) appeared to be dominant with score of 7.05.


terminal AHP


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DOI : https://doi.org/10.32698//tech1315118