Spatial distribution of areas Vulnerable to land movements by using storie method in watershed area of Limboto, Gorontalo Province


Damage to land resources is mainly happening in the Watershed due to loss of the surface layer of the ground by the force of the blow grain haulage power rain and surface flow of rain water that would cause the formation of land is critical. Watershed area of Limboto is among 15 areas of the nation’s priority due to its roles in sediment supply and its vulnerability to natural disasters. In addition, the area is also classified as critical land. Information regarding the spatial distribution and areas vulnerable to land movement is crucial to preserve the watershed area surrounding the lake and to mitigate the risks of natural disasters. With that being said, this study is aimed at identifying the level of the vulnerability of land movement in the watershed area of Limboto Lake by using Storie method. Limboto Watershed has 4 level of vulnerability from low to very high. Moderate area of vulnerability level is dominant, 45,27% from watershed area. Spatial distribution from very high level of vulnerability is distributed in 3 subdistrict, there are Limboto Barat, Limboto and Tibawa Subdistrict.


Damage, land


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