Developing Employabilty Skills Using the Work-Based Learning Model


Employability skills are non-technical competencies that must be possessed by any person who wish to be absorbed by the labor market. In the Asian Economic Comunity (AEC) regional bloc, employability skills are increasingly becoming invaluable for all prospective job seekers to be marketable. The nature of the present vacant jobs requires a variety of employability skills. All vocational trainees undergoing industrial practice should finish the industrial training phase with relevant and industry demanded skills. This study was quantitative. Descriptive analysis and confirmatory factorial analysis techniques were incentivized to analyze data collected through questionnaires. The study was made up of a sample of 60 bakery competence students under Agribusiness program of Agricultural Products Processing and Technology (APHP). The results revealed that Work-Based Learning implementation contributes to the development of employability skills in vocational students. Employability skills includes communication skills, teamwork skills, innovation and enterprise skills, self-management skills, problem solving skills and learning skills. Work-Based Learning instructional model is ideal for the development and formation of employability skills by vocational students. All Vocational Education and Training (VET) stakeholders should prioritize the development of employability skills during the current fourth industrial revolution.


Employability skills,Work-Based Learning Model


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