Four aspects triggering students’ character matters in vocational schools


Suyanto, Slamet. 2019. This research was one of eleven character education steps proposed by Thomas Lickona (Lickona 2001). It dealt with factors that triggered character matters among vocational high school students. There were issues that vocational school students had many character matters. It was a mixed-method research, conducted in 22 vocational schools, 50% of which was public schools, and another 50% was private schools in Bantul district of Yogyakarta province. Data were collected through a survey and a Focus Group Discussion (FGD). The questioners were given to 660 students. The FGD was followed by 20 teachers. The data were analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively. The results indicated that (1) according to the teachers there were 20 character matters done by students, (2) however, only 18 characters were identified by the students, (3) there were four major factors compelling students to do bad characters, those were social, emotional, biological, and economic factors.


character education, character matters, vocational school


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