Development of Online Project Based Learning Models in Graphic Media Development Courses


Current learning patterns require synergy with technology. In the era of disruption of online-based learning answers the challenges of the time, learning without being bound by space, distance and time that requires the active role of students in the learning process itself. Integrating project-based learning models and online learning methods, the purpose of this research is to produce a Online Project Based Learning model in the subject of Graphic Media Development that has feasibility aspects for students of Educational Technology. This research is a development research using the development model of Borg and Gall which has ten steps. The results of this study indicate that the Online Project Based Learning model has been validated by learning design experts and material experts. Learning design experts and material experts have assessed and stated that this model is feasible. Thus, it can be concluded that the Online Project Based Learning model is declared suitable for use in learning subjects in Graphic Media Developmen


Online Project Based Learning Models, Graphic Media


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