Vocational Teacher Perception on Industry 4.0 and Society 5.0


In today's digital era two dominant paradigms running in parallel were first developed in Germany and Japan, namely the industrial 4.0 and the community paradigm 5.0. These two paradigms will provide significant multiple effects on the education system, both content, methodology and learning models. The main problem that will occur is a shift in values, models and technological procedures that occur in extreme and fundamental ways. The Industrial Revolution 4.0 developed a model of an internet-based system (IoT) with various infrastructure approaches, both hardware, and software. Japan addressed the high-level application of revolution 4.0 by developing a community model system 5.0 (Society 5.0). This model gave up most of the management of the system in artificial intelligence autonomously in carrying out executions of various life issues extensively. This condition certainly brings new wisdom to the process of cultural transformation of interfaces between humans and intelligent machines. Technology and vocational education will come into direct contact with these two significant paradigms related to substance, application, and cultural concepts. In this context, especially vocational technology education teachers who play an important role in forming and producing competent graduates need to understand and master the concepts of industrial 4.0 and the phenomenon of society 5.0. Therefore the purpose of writing this article will be to map comprehensively the perceptions of vocational teachers towards the implementation of the industrial era 4.0 and society 5.0 and its output will produce a qualitative model of vocational teacher perceptions.


Vocational Technology Education, Vocational Teacher Perception, Industrial Revolution Era 4.0, society 5.0


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DOI : https://doi.org/10.32698//tech1315126