Contribution and Active Role of Non-Permanent Teachers in Achieving National Education Objectives


Non-permanent teachers or GTT are non-government employee who are hired by school principal under working contract. The number of them is gradually increased due to large number of retired teachers and the moratorium policy of government employee recruitment. The role and contribution of non-permanent teachers are shown by their abilities and competencies in teaching content standards, run the standard education process and excel in national competitions. The t-test result of UKG or Teacher Competency Testing results between permanent and non-permanent teachers in Semarang City shows no significant difference. It means both teachers have similar pedagogical and professional competency. Moreover, the non-permanent teachers have filled in the gap of the absence of permanent teachers in some areas. This allows the possibility of having balanced ratio of teachers and students in schools. On the contrary, the existence of non-permanent teachers is a complicated problem in employment system in Indonesia. The trend shows that the job as a non-permanent teacher is now a milestone towards the status of government’s permanent teacher. Therefore, large number of non-permanent teachers and their demand to be recruited as government’s permanent employee have pushed the government to create a policy to fix the problem.


Contributions and Roles; Non-Permanent Teachers; National Education Objectives


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