Development of vocational high school teachers in Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta


The Presidential Instruction Number 9 of 2016 concerning Vocational Revitalization instructs the Minister of Education and Culture and the Minister of Research on Technology and Higher Education to: (1) create a roadmap for developing SMK; (2) perfecting and harmonizing the SMK curriculum with competencies according to the needs of graduate users; (3) increasing the number and competence of educators and vocational education staff; (4) improve access to vocational school certification and vocational accreditation; (5) accelerating the provision of vocational teachers through education, equalization and recognition; and (6) developing study programs in universities to produce vocational teachers needed by SMK. This study examines teacher resource development planning for SMK and the obstacles experienced in implementing teacher resource development programs in SMK Rujukan in DIY. The survey was conducted at 15 SMK Rujukan. Data collection uses a closed and open questionnaire and analyzed using quantitative and qualitative techniques. Results of the study show that the development of vocational teacher resources is done through professional development, career development, and competency development. The competence of vocational teachers in research and publication is still low, and teacher career guidance is still low. Internal constraints of teacher competency are still lacking and external constraints demands industrial support.


Teachers Development, SMK Rujukan, Teacher Competencies


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