Cultivating growth culture for higher education leaders


Leaders should grow in their capacities and characters. Growth is not an option. It is an inevitable endeavor in this ever-changing time period called disruption era. Leaders who fail to update themselves will be left behind and their organizations will suffer. I believe that leaders shall continuously upgrade themselves in order to make themselves and their organizations relevant to the disruptions. With that principle in mind, I design a leadership upgrading model for university leaders called "Kepemimpinan Bertumbuh" or Growth Leadership. This model has been trialed and administered in different occasions. Results, feedbacks and inputs have been acquired from various users and stakeholders. This paper reports the development of this model and discusses the potential future improvement of this model. Latest results show that higher education leaders need a structured model of leadership upgrading in addition to their informal leadership upgrade based on their experiences and past performances.


Cultivating growth culture , education leaders


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