Does Competency Certification Really Matter to Decrease Unemployment?


This paper aims to divulge the importance of competency certification toward unemployment particularly in the field of Islamic Economy. Escalation of numbers, types, as well as office of Islamic Financial Institution happens almost every year. It shows that Islamic Economy is well developed in Indonesia, which affects the demand of qualified human resource to cater the need of Islamic Financial Institution. On the other hand, the number of Islamic Economics graduate who are accepted in Islamic Financial Institution is not much. Nowadays university provide certification to certify competency of its graduate in order to enhance their value to land work correspond to their field. However, the effectiveness of the competency certification to decrease unemployment needs to be confirmed. Furthermore, it also needs clarification from the industry side regarding competency needed for employment. This paper uses qualitative method through interview. The result shows that competency certification is matter to the Islamic Financial Institution, but insignificant for the jobseeker.


competency, certification, unemployment


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