Minimizing Misconceptions on Temperature and Heat Topic by Jigsaw Cooperative Learning


This experiment research pretest-postest control group design was aimed to improve the student’s understanding of the concept and minimize misconceptions on the Temperature and Heat topic. The subjects of this research were selected`using cluster random sampling from High School students in Gorontalo. The instruments used to collected the data included pretest, posttest and questionnaires. The data were analyzed using t-test and the students’ conception profiles were carried out using CRI, Certainty of Response Index technique. The results of research show the significant difference in the posttest average and normalized gain average between the experimental class (81.976 and 0.679) and control class (68.267 and 0.437) and tcount = 12.575 greater than ttable = 2.000 on the confidence level 0.05. This results of research are supported by the fact that misconceptions in the experimental class are smaller than those in the control class. The implementation of Jigsaw Cooperative Learning is effective to improve the understanding of the concepts and minimize the misconceptions on the Temperature and Heat topic


Jigsaw Learning, Concept Understanding, Misconception, Temperature and Heat


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