Antibacterial Test of α-pinene compounds from Turpentine oil in Hand Sanitizer Gel


Research on the antibacterial test of the α-pinene compound from turpentine oil in hand sanitizer gel has been carried out. The purpose of this study was to determine the antibacterial activity of turpentine oil gel and α-pinene gel against S. aureus and E. coli. The method used for α-pinene isolation is done by fractionation distillation with pressure reduction. Analysis of α-pinene compounds from turpentine oil using FT-IR and GC-MS. The results of GC-MS analysis show that α-pinene is a terpenoid group compound. Antibacterial activity testing uses the paper disc diffusion method. Antibacterial activity test of turpentine oil and α-pinene showed inhibition of S. aureus and E. coli bacteria. Turpentine oil has the highest antibacterial activity with a inhibition zone of 13.8 mm against S. aureus and 8.83 mm against E. coli bacteria, whereas α-pinene has the highest antibacterial activity with a 2.2 mm inhibition zone against S. aureus and 2.34 mm against E. coli bacteria. Based on the results of the antibacterial gel test showed that the turpentine oil gel gave a better antibacterial effect than the α-pinene gel, so that it can be applied in the form of hand sanitizer gel.


antibacterial; α-pinene; turpentine oil; hand sanitizer


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