In the era of industrial revolution, understanding about self express in the field of media literacy, understanding about information that will be shared with students and finding analysis to solve academics problems concerning digital literacy should be increased. One way to overcome those problems is by implementing a lesson study model to improve the adaptive and responsive learning quality of students while at the same time integrating various breakthroughs in the development of learning that supports the Industrial Revolution 4.0. This research was conducted during the Odd Semester of 2018/2019 Academic Year in the Physical, Health and Recreational Education Study Program, Faculty of Sport Sciences, Yogyakarta State University. The method of learning system development applied in this activity was lesson research by employing lesson study model by Lewis (2002). Data collection techniques in this activity included 1) collaboration between teaching lecturers and collaborators or observers, 2) observation, 3) questionnaire, 4) documentation of college student assignments (in the portfolio model) and 4) interview. Instruments used to obtain data included 1) observation sheets, 2) questionnaires, 3) interview guidelines as well as 4) camera and video recorder. The data analysis technique used was descriptive analysis technique based on collaborative reflection by groups and experts in the field of learning for enhancing collaboration towards digitalization of High Education. By conducting this Lesson Study, the character and mindset of students are expected to change. So that the instructors can sharpen and develop the talents of a college student and are able to develop learning models that are in accordance with the needs in the industrial revolution 4.0 era by preparing adaptive characters of a student to fit the current development without always making cognitive intelligence as a benchmark, but the process of creativity as habituation and instilling creative habits in all fields should be put forward, thus it will support the development of application-based education digitalization technology.
lesson study, adaptive and responsive learning, industrial evolution 4.0