Developing Android-Based Semester Examination Applications for Vocational High School


This research is conducted for developing android-based semester examination applications named “Flyexam” and “FlyExambrow” which can be accessed through Android mobile phone. The purpose of this research is to create integrated applications which shall support computer-based semester examination for the students of Vocational High Schools, they are one server application and one Android-Based Client Application, both shall be developed in such a way so as to be valid and practical. The research applies Research and Development (R&D) method by adopting 4D model, namely Define, Design, Develop, and Disseminate. Two experts in media application and two experts in web-based application shall examine the validity of the applications. The prospective users of the applications, namely the students and the teachers of Vocational High Schools shall be involved in the trial of the applications and in filling-in relevant questioners so as to know the practical value of the applications. Results of the research showed that the applications are considered valid with 89% validity score and 83% practicality score. Therefore, it can be concluded that this Android-Based Semester Examination Applications are valid and practical for use.


fly exam, flay exam brow and android.


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