The Implementation of Project-Based Learning Mastercam Module Development of Vocational High School 1 in Padang City


This study aims to examine the practicality of Project-Based Learning Mastercam Module developed so that it can be used in basic CNC Mastercam learning processes. This type of research is development research using a 4-D development model (defining, designing, developing, and disseminating).This study looks at the practicality of theProject-Based Learning Mastercam Module developed then a trial is carried out to users, namely teachers and students. Data analysis techniques used descriptive analysis techniques to describe the practicality of Project-Based Learning Mastercam Module. The results obtained from this development research are Project-Based Learning mastercam module that is very practical based on teacher responses and student responses of 88.82%. Based on the findings of this study, it can be concluded that Project-Based Learning mastercam module is declared practical to be used as a learning resource in basic CNC mastercam subjects and can be developed and used in other vocational high school.


practicality, mastercam learning module, project-based learning


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