Lab work discipline and the implementation of the field experience industry as predictor factor in entering the world of work readiness of the mechanical engineering’s students Faculty of Engineering Universitas Negeri Padang


This research starts from experience and observation of the researcher from lab work discipline and the student experience in the implementation of Industrial Field Experience (PLI), and also less preparation of the students of Department of Mechanical Engineering in entering the workforce. This research is descriptive correlational. The population in the study consisted of 109 Mechanical Engineering’s students which do Industrial Field Experience (PLI). Samples numbered 86 students were taken by proportional random sampling technique. Research data retrieval is done by distributing a questionnaire, Likert scale model. Data analysis technique used is descriptive statistics with percentage calculation and regression aided by a SPSS computer program. The results of this research are: 1) Lab work discipline can be used as a predictor factor of readiness to enter the workforce. 2) the implementation of PLI can be used as a predictor factor of readiness to enter the workforce. 3) Lab work discipline and implementation of PLI can be used as a predictor factor for entering the workforce readiness toward Mechanical Engineering FT-UNP’s students. Lab work discipline can predict a better readiness to enter the workforce. And the experience obtained during the PLI can also predict a better readiness to enter the workforce. These results indicate that these two variables should be increased to obtain a better readiness to enter the workforce.


Work Discipline, Field Experience Industry, Work Readiness


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