Double moving average method for predicting the number of patients with dengue fever in Gorontalo City


Dengue Fever (DF) is an infectious disease caused by the dengue virus which is transmitted by the Aedes Aegypti mosquito. This disease is one of the health problems in Indonesia, especially in Gorontalo City. According to data from the Departement of Health of Gorontalo City, the number of dengue fever patients reached 752 people within 2011 – 2017. Therefore, the related departement keeps predicting the number of patients for future incidence to find a way to prevent increase. The research aimed to create a system that can predict the number of dengue fever patients using the Double Moving Average method. Prediction runs by processing the number of cases of dengue fever patients in 2011-2017 from all sub-districts. Then, The result of prediction found that there would be 116 patients of Dengue Fever in 2018, in which it increased from 2017


Double moving average method , patients, dengue fever


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