Field Experience Program through a Lesson Study-Based Team Teaching in Biology Education Master’s Program Universitas Negeri Makassar


Field Experience Program is a course in Biology Education Study Program at the Graduate School of Universitas Negeri Makassar. The program offers a one semester opportunity for graduate students to practice their pedagogical skills through the Team Teaching Method with a lesson study pattern. The program aims (1) to enhance pedagogical skills and (2) to provide provisions through factual experiences to develop themselves as professional educators. The three main stages of lesson study had been implemented, namely (1) Planning stage (Plan), in which the lesson plans, worksheets, evaluation instruments, and the teaching media were prepared, (2) Implementation stage (Do), in which the teaching teams taught in General Biology course, and (3) Reflection stage (See), in which the teaching team discuss the positive and negative aspects of the implemented teaching and learning process. The result of observations during the learning process, including the observation notes and reflection notes were subjected to a descriptive analysis. The result of the study advocated that the implementation of Field Experience Program through a lesson study-based team teaching method can enhance scientific process skills, as well as enhancing collaborative teaching practice of graduate students on Biology Education Master’s Program, Universitas Negeri Makassar.


Team Teaching, Field Experience Program


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