Analysis of Robotic Building Skill for Electrical Engineering Student Based on Contextual Teaching & Learning With Structural Equation Modelling


The focus of this research is the ability to build robots for electrical engineering students based on contextual teaching and learning which will be analyzed by structural equation modeling through IBM SPSS and IBM SPSS Amos software. Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) is a conception that helps teachers to connect teaching materials with real situations and motivate students to make connections between knowledge and application. This research was conducted by applying the development research design with the aim to produce the product in the form of robotics learning device as a supporting / measuring tool to assess the ability to make robot for students majoring in electrical engineering. This developed module is the results of the research and monitoring of the researcher and the team leader for 6 years. The completed module was then validated to 7 validators consisting of lecturers of instructional experts, educational experts, engineering experts and grammarians. And the average validator assessment result is 3.34, which fall into either category. Value probability level is above 0.5 (value = 0,522) then it is concluded there is improvement between constructs.


robotic building skill, contextual teaching and learning, electrical engineering students, structural equation modeling, teaching module and robot kit.


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