Designing of Android Based Learning (Mobile Learning) For Multimedia Students


The purpose of this study to create learning media M-Learning to support the learning process in the Multimedia Vocational High School and know the level of prevalence and M-Learning as a medium of learning. With research and development research model, this media was developed using Android Studio. The result of this research is a dynamic Android-based application that runs online as a supporter of learning. From the results of validator assessment and student response can be obtained from the media expert value obtained 65% in the sense of valid, get a low score due to after making many revisions of the application. From the material experts get the value of 85% which means valid. The students' responses, a validity score of 94.7% is obtained which is included in a very valid category used. The conclusion shows that by validator assessment the learning media can be used as supporting in self-study.


Android , Mobile Learning, Multimedia Students


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