Maritime History Learning Based on Digital Map in the Disruption Era


Maritime History Learning in higher education has some of obstacles when students are required to determine coastal areas, patterns of networks shipping and trade in Indonesia. This is because the media used is inadequate and less attractive. This study aims to produce some kind of Maritime History digital maps application product and to determine the effectiveness of its use in improving student competency in learning Maritime History. This research method uses a research and development methods. The results of the material expert validation and media expert validation got a percentage score of 85,4% and 88,5 %. Based on the results, it’s indicating that the digital maps based on application media was declared very valid and feasible to be used in learning Maritime History. From the small group trials and large group trials conducted on students of History Education Department. The small group trials got the percentage scores of 84 % and for the trials of the large groups got the percentage scores of 86,1% which indicates that the media is valid. The result can be concluded that the digital map based on application media is suitable to be used as a learning media for Maritime History.


Digital Map, Disruption Era, Maritime History Learning


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