Effect of Competency, Work Motivation, Industrial Work Experience and Facilities on the Readiness of Work for Senior High School Graduates in Electro Expertise Programs


The results of this study are (1) competence has a positive and significant effect on the work readiness of vocational graduates in the Electrical Expertise Program including high criteria, this variable influences work readiness, (2) work motivation has a positive and significant effect on work readiness of vocational graduates , this variable influences work readiness, (3) the internship experience has a positive and significant effect on the work readiness of vocational graduates in the Electrical Expertise Program including the high category, this variable influences work readiness, (4) work practice experience Industry v positively and significantly affects vocational graduates The Electrical Expertise Program is in the medium category, this variable influences work readiness, (5) competency, work motivation, experience of internship and learning facilities together have a positive and significant effect on work readiness of vocational graduates Electro Skills Program is very high High, these four variables has a together affect work readiness.


Competency, Work Motivation, Industrial Work Experience , Readiness of Work


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DOI : https://doi.org/10.32698//tech1315184