Analysis About The Influence of Infectiveness Supervision of Teachers and Counseling Performance on The Development of Professional Identity


This article is intended to explain an analysis of the ineffectiveness of the supervision of Teacher Guidance and Counseling and the negative consequences that can occur on the development of the professional identity of the guidance and counseling teacher and can erode public trust in the profession of guidance and counseling. The analysis is based on the findings of several studies related to the implementation of supervision of the guidance and counseling teacher's performance in three districts in West Java. Analysis is carried out using the integrated supervision perspective. According to this supervision perspective, the ineffectiveness of the implementation of supervision of guidance and counseling teacher performance can have a devastating effect on the development of the teacher's professional guidance and counseling identity itself, and if ignored; without serious and systematic efforts, sooner or later school counselors will lose their professional identity, and if ignored, the guidance and counseling profession will experience a crisis of trust from the wider community, especially users. Based on the results of the analysis, it is recommended that a number of strategic efforts must be made by various parties involved in the effort to organize the supervision model of the performance of relevant and effective guidance and counseling teachers.


Supervision of performance guidance and counseling teachers (School Counselors), development of professional identity.


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