This study was aimed to find out the relationship between shooting knowledge and anxiety on marine soldiers self-confidence. In the last 20 years, the researchers have not found a research report related to the effect of shooting knowledge and anxiety on students' self-confidence especially research conducted in Indonesia. Knowledge of shooting is the subject matter that is presented to students while attending basic military education. One of the factors that influence the success of a student soldier in completing military education is the level of anxiety of students themselves. This study is to obtain variable data on shooting knowledge using the written test method, while the variables of anxiety and self-confidence use the questionnaire method. Furthermore, knowledge of shooting and anxiety were set as independent variables while self-confidence was set as a dependent variable. Furthermore, the results of the study showed that: shooting knowledge has a significant positive direct influence on the self-confidence of marines soldier students; anxiety has a significant negative direct effect on the self-confidence of marines soldier students.
Shooting knowledge, anxiety, self-confidence, and Marine soldier students.