The analysis service implementation by the apotheker in private apotek in padang city online based in 2019


Apotheker or pharmacist is one of the health providers who give conseling services. Preliminary studies conducted on 33 private Apotek in Padang, pharmacists who come every day only 3 from 33 Apotek. Conseling is no perfect.It is need inovation to give conselling. . Type of reserch mix quantitatiff and qualitatif . Research was carried out in 33 private apotek in Padang City. The technique of determining informants used purposive sampling and data collection using in-depth interviews and observations.The results showed that pharmacy services had not been implemented properly. Apotheker who came once a week as many as 14 out of 33 pharmacies, 2 times a week 10 out of 33 pharmacies, 1 time a months 6 of 33 pharmacies. The percentage of conseling the attendance of pharmacists is mostly 18,2 % who only attend once a month , and only 42 % attend 4 times a month. Only 9% attend every day to provide pharmacy counseling services perfectly. The results of this study indicate that the pharmacist's task has not been carried out in accordance with its function as a counselor. It is expected that by using online media the pharmacist is can still serve patients in providing counselling.


Apotheker, conselor, on line media


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