Pre-Service Science Teachers’ Skills in Applying Guided Inquiry, Modified Inquiry, and Open inquiry in Micro-teaching Course


The study aimed to measure the skills of pre-service science teachers in applying three inquiry models in the microteaching course. The study was conducted on 56 pre-service science teachers who joined the microteaching course. A comparative study method was adopted by comparing the research target skills in applying three different inquiry learning models. The results revealed that the pre-service science teachers scored 84 for the guided inquiry or categorised as ‘very good’, 79 for the modified inquiry or in a ‘good’ category, and 75 for the open inquiry or belonged to the ‘good’ category. A correlation coefficient analysis showed that the r count was 0.620 while the r table with a significant level of 5% for N = 56 and df = N-2 = 56 - 2 = 54 was 0.354. Thus, the r count > r table or 0.620 > 0.354 and Ha was accepted. The results indicated that there was a significant correlation between pre-service science teachers’ skills in applying three different inquiry models. Therefore, it concluded that the pre-service science teachers achieved the highest score when applying the guided inquiry yet remained to get good scores when implementing the modified and open inquiry model.


pre-service teachers, science, inquiry, microteaching


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