Developing An Instructional Model Blended Learning On Appropriate Technology Course


This article discusses the development of an instructional blended learning model for acquiring appropriate knowledge on technological subjects. This research combines physical classroom teaching with online academic technique to produce an appropriate blended learning model for technology courses. This developed model is designed to enhance learning outcomes, motivation, and student independence. The research subjects were education engineering. This study makes use of the Research and Development method with the ADDIE development procedure (Analysis, Design, Develop, Implementation and Evaluation). The results obtained from this development study are blended education learning techniques analysed by experts as valid, practical, effective in improving student learning outcomes, motivational, and independence. Based on the findings of this study it was concluded that the blended learning model can be used as a guide to inculcate the right technological knowledge on engineering students.


Blended learning, effectiveness, model of learning, practicality,validity


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