The Diferences of Burnout among Students based on Gender


Vulnerable of burnout conditions are experienced by students, especially male students. The aim of this study was to see an overview and differences in the conditions of male and female burnout students. The sample of this research was 218 students of the Guiding and Counseling. Besides, the finding of this research showed that: (1) Female student burnout conditions of Guiding and Counseling are in the moderate category, (2) thus, male student burnout conditions are in the moderate category, (3) then, female student burnout conditions are in the moderate category, and (4) there are differences significant between male and female burnout conditions, where t count 2,306, and t table 1,653. Furthermore, the implications of the findings in this research are aimed at lecturers to pay attention to improvement the atmosphere of the lecture by applying learning models. Moreover, the lecture process is not monotonous. These efforts were carried out to overcome exhaustion, cynicism, ineffectiveness in students which had an impact on reducing burnout conditions for students, especially male students. In addition, burnout conditions for students can be overcome by Guidance and counseling services namely Individual counseling to improve self-concept and social support so as to prevent burnout.


The burnout of student


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