Creating Coconut Fiber Waste for Souvenirs in Pakandangan, West Sumatera


The processing of coconut fiber into souvenirs is not widely known by the public, especially in the form of powder (cocopeat). In fact, by processing coconut fiber, it is hoped that creative works of economic value can be created as a source of income for the community. Community Service in the form of processing coconut waste into souvenirs in the Pakandangan area aims at (1) providing insight into the processing of coconut fiber which is broken down into powders to be used as souvenirs; (2) guiding and directing the processing and creation of souvenirs from coconut fiber powder (cocopeat). The method adopted in the implementation of Community Service includes training and mentoring activities. The implementation of the activity takes place in six times face to face, starting from the orientation of the introduction of tools and materials as well as the process of creating, then making models or industrial prototypes, then the process of printing in which the coconut coir powder is made as a souvenir in the form of a statue with a mixture of resin or fiberglass into an innovation product. The results that can be achieved in this training activity are: (1) the trainees have insights related to the processing of cocopeat materials into souvenirs, (2) the training participants master the skills of processing coconut fiber into souvenirs.


Coconut fiber waste, cocopeat, innovation, souvenirs


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