A Systematic Review: Benefits of Physical Activity in Elderly Hypertension


Increasing life expectancy has an impact on increasing the number of elderly people. With increasing age, the elderly will be more susceptible to various physical complaints due to a decrease in bodily system functions. Physical activity that is lacking in the elderly increases the risk of hypertension. This systematic review aims to determine the benefits of physical activity in elderly hypertension. This study uses a systematic review method with search articles on Ebsco, Proquest, Science Direct, Oxford and Google Scholar published in the last ten years (2008-2018). Ten studies reviewed used a cross sectional and quasi experimental design. The relationship between physical activity and decreased blood pressure in the elderly was found in six studies. Two studies reported that physical activity can improve the cognitive abilities of hypertensive patients. One study that showed regular physical activity had a positive effect on quality of life and another study showed reducing the cost requirements for elderly hypertension. Thus, regular and consistent physical activity can reduce blood pressure and improve health status in the elderly. Need more research and consistent methods to understand the effectiveness of physical activity in hypertensive patients.


Physical activity, elderly, hypertension


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DOI : https://doi.org/10.32698/GCS-PSSHERS364