The Relationship between Age, Gender, Obesity, Physical Activity, Smoking, Vegetable and Fruit Consumption with Hypertension


On a global scale, hypertension is one of the highest causes of death due to heart disease, stroke and kidney failure. According to WHO (2011) about one third of the population of adults in Southeast Asia has hypertension. According to Riskesdas (2013), prevalence of hypertension in West Java Province was 29.4%, exceeding the national figure of 25.8%. This study aims to analyze the risk factors for hypertension in West Java Province in 2016. This research used secondary data from Posbindu PTM surveillance in 2016, sample for this research were aged 18-60 years. The approach used was the cross-sectional study. This analysis uses chi square method and multivariate logistic regression. Result of this study showed there is no correlation between vegetable and fruit consumption with hypertension (p=0.061). There is correlation between age (p=0.001), gender (p=0.001), obesity (p=0.002), physical activity (p=0.001) and smoking (p=0.001) with hypertension. The dominant factor in the incidence of hypertension is age. It is recommended to check health at the beginning and periodically and apply a healthy lifestyle, especially for those who already have risk factors for hypertension


Hypertension, risk factors, determinants, West Java


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