The Influence of Monosodium Glutamate in Stimulating the Mice (Musmusculus) Follicle Hormone of Female Japanese Strain


Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) is one flavoring that many widely used by the communities. Besides the flavoring, it turns out MSG effects side in the hypothalamus which causes the ablation of examination seen a decrease in cell size, the density and volume of FSH, hyperplasia and diminution of size gonadotrope FSH gonad trope causes a decrease in the secretion follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) into the blood. With reduced levels of FSH in the blood that to the target organ also inadequate to support the development of the gonads that hypogonadism occurs. This research was conducted with the kind of experimental research design laboratories posttest only control group design that aims to determine the provision of MSG on levels hormones FSH mice (Mus muscular) females. Subjects numbered 30 mice, grouped into 5 groups: one control group and four treatment groups based on MSG difference P1 dose administration of 0.048 mg/ ml/ head/ day, P2 MSG dose of 0.072 mg/ ml/ head/ day, P3 MSG dose of 0.096 mg/ ml/ head/ day and p4 0.12 mg/ ml/ head/ day, administered daily per oral dissolved in 1 ml of distilled water for 20 days beginning in early proestrus phase. Variables examined were the levels of FSH . Then the results were analyzed by using ONE WAY ANOVA followed by comparison Multiple Test Type Bonferooni. Results showed that administration of MSG invitation dose of 0.072 mg/ ml/ head/ day, 0.096 mg/ ml/ head/ day and 0.12 mg/ ml/ head/ day to give effect a significant reduction of the FSH hormone levels (p< 0.05) , although not significant influence. The study concluded that administration of MSG to mice can reduce FSH levels.


Monosodium glutamate, mice (musmusculus) follicle hormone


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