Analysis of Supply Chain Performance of Staple Foodstuffs using Triadic Approach


The need for staple foodstuffs for a community is very vital. Problems that arise are mainly related to efficient fulfillment, as happened in Bandungcity, Indonesia. This study aims to obtain an overview and performance of the staplefoodstuffssupply chain in Bandung.The study used a qualitative approach with descriptive analysis methods, observations and in-depth interviews conducted to collect research data.The results showed that from observing market structure, market behavior, and processing staple food information, it can be seen that the distribution of staple foods in Bandung, is very time-consuming and costly, as well as being dependent on other cities for their fulfillment.Based on these conditions, an analysis of supply chain performance is carried out using a triadic approach that sees from the point of view starting from upstream, midstream, to downstream.Basically, to improve supply chain performance, it needs to be understood by all supply chain members to maintain relationships quality, that indicated by: trust, commitment, conflict resolution, and so on.If it is maintained, efficiency, and responsiveness of supply chain will be more manageable.


Supply chain performance, triadic approach, relationship quality


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