The Neesia altissima (Blume) is an evergreen tree that may exceed the height of 40 m, in the old specimens in nature, with erect trunk, of up to more than 1.2 m of diameter, with slightly grooved bark of greyish brown colour. In this study, we identified diversity and biopotential of Neesia altissima Bl. in Indonesia. Neesia altissima Bl. is a tree that grows up to + 40 m and distributed primarily in the primary rainforests of Malaysia and Indonesia (Sumatera, Borneo, and Java islands). In Indonesia, this endemic plant is used medicinally for treatment of gonorrhea, diuretic and diarrhea. The fruits are locally utilized in the traditional medicine as diuretics and together with the leaves, in treating the gonorrhea. Because the plant having such an important medicinal value and having endangered status, so studies on microbial endophytes from N. altissima in relation to discovery of alternative secondary metabolites are very important. Therefore, it is important to explore endophytic bacteria from endemic medicinal plant such as N. altissima, and screened their potential in producing antimicrobial compounds. The pharmacological potential of genus Neesia especially Neesia altissima Bl. in Indonesia is as of yet unexplored.
Endemic, Neesia altissima, medicinal, secondary metabolites