Mapping the Marine Tourist Zone of Pasumpahan Island


Pasumpahan island is located in Bungus Teluk Kabung district, which has various kinds of potential marine tourism, such as beach, snorkeling, and diving. It is one of the Regional Marine Conservation Areas in Padang which is very potential to be developed into a marine tourism area with due regard to the conservation concept. The objective of this study were are to knowing the percentage of coral cover, calculating the abundance of megabenthos and reef fish biota, and develop directives and strategies for managing marine tourism in island area. The method used in this research was an interpretation of remote sensing imagery, aerial photography, and field surveys. The base substrate on Pasumpahan Island consists of 36% live coral, 23% dead coral, and 41% abiotic. The number of reef fish species found there was 27.5 and 109.25 individuals. The beach tourism zone is in the southeast, the tourism zone which is quite suitable for snorkeling is on the east side to the west of the island, and the tourism zone which is very suitable for diving tourism is on the northwest side while the other parts are categorized as quite suitable for tourist sites.


Mapping, marine, tourist zone, pasumpahan island


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