Understanding Cyber Aggression in Social Media Users with the Social Psychology Paradigm


Cyber aggression has become a hot issue of research studies over the past ten years. Some researchers explain these phenomena in the form of oppressive behavior, harassment and hatred that occurs in cyberspace. At present, the social-psychological theory approach is still considered as a precise discipline in explaining the dynamics of cyber aggression and its predecessor factors. The approach used in this article is a critical review method. This method implemented by finding theoretical references along with the latest research results of cyber aggression cases and problems. Several theoretical studies and the latest research results have revealed that the behavior of cyber aggression is another form of traditional aggression behavior, especially verbal aggression that uses online media or social networking. This paper also describes several approaches to social psychology theory in explaining the phenomenon of attacking behavior in cyberspace comprehensively. In general, it can be explained that cyber aggression is formed from interactions between an innate person or personal attributes and external attributes as dimensions of the environment learning. It originates from individual cyber contexts and communication characteristics in cyberspace in the form of social media algorithms.


Cyber aggression, social psychology, social media user, social psychology paradigm


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DOI : https://doi.org/10.32698/GCS-PSTRS387