The role of ICT in the teaching of productive skills in english during covid-19: students’ perceptions and obstacles


English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teachers believe that students cannot reach a good level of fluency unless they speak and write English with less difficulty and more spontaneity. The current study seek to uncover students’ perceptions and obstacles in learning productive skill as promoted in Concept Mapping technique. A short and brief notes of students’ impressions of up to the third meeting of English course were taken as the primary data for the study. They were verified and categorized into sub themes allowing the researcher to count and analyze. The findings showed that by using ICT, (1) Classroom atmospheres were very positive; (2) Most students understood the lesson, although few students had troubles to understand and initiate the tasks; (3) Small numbers of students had bad connection, and therefore claimed that Google Classroom was not effective. It can be concluded that the use of ICT in EFL learning for this group of students should be expanded because of promising ideas behind it.


Information communicationtechnology, productive skill, concept-mapping


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