The effect of tumeric addition on antioxidant activity in banana chips


Turmeric rhizome is one part of the turmeric plant that contains curcumin compounds which have antioxidant activity. The addition of turmeric to the frying process is expected to provide antioxidant activity in the banana chips produced. This study aims to determine the effect of the addition of turmeric on the antioxidant activity of banana chips fried in vacuum frying and ordinary frying. The antioxidant activity was measured using the DPPH method by measuring the absorbance value using a microplate reader. The absorbance value was used to calculate the percent inhibition of banana chips against DPPH. The results of this study showed that the percentage of inhibition of banana chips fried by vacuum frying without the addition of turmeric was 81.18% and with the addition of turmeric 86%. The percentage of inhibition of banana chips fried in regular frying without the addition of turmeric was 79.54% and with the addition of turmeric 85.71%. From the results of data analysis using ANOVA, it was concluded that the effect of the addition of turmeric on the antioxidant activity of banana chips was significantly different. The effect of vacuum frying and regular frying on the antioxidant activity of banana chips was not significantly different.


meric;antioxidant activity; banana chips


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