The use of natural color turmeric (curcuma domestica val) and chocolate seeds (theobroma cacao l) in lipstick formulation


The dye in the lipstick can be either natural or synthetic dye. The use of synthetic colorant can cause problem in health. Natural pigment more safe and have added value such as antioxidant activity. One of the natural dye obtained from plants are anthocyanins, compounds found in the cocoa bean (Theobroma cocoa) and turmeric (Curcuma Domestica Val). The purpose of this study was to utilize the natural dye from turmeric extract and cocoa as a dye in the preparation of lipstick and do a physical evaluation of the stocks. Turmeric extract and cocoa made by maceration method using ethanol 96%. Lipstick formulations made with three formulas with F1 (turmeric extract concentration of 2%), F2 (cocoa seed extract concentration of 40%) and F3 (a combination of turmeric extract and cocoa seed extract concentration of 2%: 40%). Evaluation of lipstick includes organoleptic test preparation, homogenity test, pH test, rub test, melting point test, irritation test, and hedonic test. In the three formulas F1, F2, and F3 lipstick evaluation test results include organoleptic test preparation, test of the melting point, homogenity test, irritation test, and test the pH had a good physical quality. While in the test of the 25 panelists to assess color, odor and texture, the result was 92% for the color and 80% for odor preferred on F3, while on texture preferred on F1 as much as 80%.


natural pigments; turmeric; cacao bean; lipstick; evaluation


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