Phenology of rice-fields and dryland using enhanced vegetation index (EVI) analysis the evaluation of planting season


Citarik Sub-watershed, Cikeruh-Citarik River Basin is upstream zone of Citarum-watershed which plays a role in agricultural sector at Bandung-Sumedang Regency. Limited water during the dry-season makes planting season limited 1-2 times a year. Information is needed regarding condition area with limited planting season through phenological detection using satellite image processing. Study aims provide information related to distribution ricefields and dryland, when planting season is effective. Study uses EVI analysis method from Landsat 8 image data on Google Earth Engine platform which consists of image preprocessing, analysis stage, visual interpretation 5-3-2 NIR-Green-Blue Band combination image, supervised-unsupervised classification, detecting phenology, field inspection, and accuracy test. Results analysis form land cover maps for 2019 from January to December are dominated ricefields covering an area of 50,073 hectare and dry land 42,865 hectare. Graph EVI value ricefields shows highest value 0.77 and lowest 0.21. Estimated productivity first rice planting season is December-February, second month May-June and following months do not occur due to water shortages during dry season. Accuracy agricultural land classification is indicated by overall accuracy kappa 96% and meets USGS requirements (> 90%). It shows that EVI analysis method of agricultural land phenology can be used to monitor planting season time in study area.


phenology analysis; EVI; GEE


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