Measurement of diastase enzymes on honey which is circular in East Java


Honey is a food with high nutritional value and has a sweet taste. The consumption of honey is one effort for maintaining human immunity, especially during the Covid 19 pandemic. Good honey is the product which has a certain active diastase enzyme even when it consumed. Diastase enzyme in honey can be damaged or reduced due to processing such as overheating. Therefore, it is necessary to evaluate the quantity of diastase enzymes in honey that merketed in the community. In this study, the quantity of the diatease enzyme in honey at the East Java Province was conducted. This study aimed to identify whether the quality of honeys in the East Java Province were of good quality. The study was conducted from January to September 2020. The measurement was conducted according to The Indonesian Standard Evaluation Method (SNI 8664: 2018) From 36 of analyzed honey samples, it was identified that there were only 13 sample has met the requierement of SNI 8664: 2018. From this study it can be concluded that in the view of enzyme quality, the honey that circulated in East Java requires a serious attention from all existing stakeholders including producers, government and/ or society . For honey producers are expected to improve the honey processing so that the diastase enzyme is not damaged.


diastase enzyme; East Java; honey quality; health


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