Organik waste processing with black soldier fly larvae (Hermetia Illucens)


Organic waste produced by the community has the potential to manage the organic. The purpose of this study was to obtain benefits from waste processing in the form of organic fertilizers that are safe for the environment and contain nutrients that meet the standards as compost and BSF larvae. The method used is to utilize the larvae of the Black Soldier Fly (BSF) type as an organism to decompose organic waste. The results of the study produced two products, namely BSF larvae in the form of pupae which can be used as feed and the decomposition residue as compost. BSF larvae can be used as feed that enough nutrients in the form of protein, fat and minerals. The results of the compost analysis showed that the results met the SNI 19-7030-2004 standards as organic fertilizers with the content of N: 1.04%, P: 2.25%, K: 1.55 and C/N 14.14%.


organik waste; compost; black soldier fly larvae


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