The effect of lampung robusta coffee (Coffea canephora) fermented lactic acid bacteria on coffee cider and caffeine levels


Coffee is a drink with a distinctive taste from steeping coffee beans that have been roasted, mashed and turned into a powder. Robusta coffee still has a flavor below Arabica coffee because it has a high caffeine content of around 1-2%. The purpose of this study was to obtain coffee extract in accordance with the SNI for ground coffee and reduce the caffeine content received by consumers through the fermentation process with LAB (lactic acid bacteria). Robusta coffee fermentation is added with mixed microbes are Leuconostoc mesenteroides and Lactobacillus plantarum with variations in fermentation time of 0, 8, 16, 24 hours. The characteristic parameters of ground coffee that observed were the proximate test which included water content, ash content, coffee extract, caffeine anhydrous, and dissolved metals. From the test results, the coffee fermentation time variation obtained coffee extract of 27.98% - 30.93%, caffeine anhydrous by 1.02% - 0.23%. Based on the results of research on robusta fermented coffee, the lowest caffeine content was found in 24-hour fermented coffee and coffee extracts produced fulfill the standard requirements of ground coffee.


lampung robusta coffee; fermentation; coffee extract; caffeine


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