Evaluation of the solid soap quality from catechins


Uncaria gambir Roxb contains catechins which are the main component, has a high economic value so it is a good prospect for farmers, has astringent, antibacterial, and antioxidant characteristics. The catechins in Uncaria gambir Roxb have several functions for skin health, such as rejuvenating the skin which is able to maintain skin strength and elasticity and keep skin youthful. This study was aimed to obtaine a good formula for solid soap. The Solid soap is formulated by adding NaOH, Aquadest, olive oil, coconut oil, and VCO oil. All formulas meet the physical evaluation requirements, are solid form, light brown in color, and have a distinctive aroma of catechins. Foam height in Formula 1 (F1): 1.6–5.2cm; Formula 2 (F2): 2.3–4 cm; and formula 3 (F3): 2.1–4 cm. Water content F1: 14.94%; F2: 12,82; and F3: 14,6. Check pH F1: 9; F2: 10; and F3: 9. All formulas are non-irritating to skin.


solid soap; catechi; Uncaria gambir Roxb


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DOI : https://doi.org/10.32698/GCS-SNIIBIPD3438