Evaluation and stability test of Immunomodulatory herbal syrups


Herbal syrup is a type of food supplement used for children. Several types of herbal plant extracts can be formulated in this syrup preparation. The plant extract used is an immunomodulator to increase the child's immune system. In addition, plant extracts are added that are efficacious as an appetite enhancer, intelligence enhancer and for children's physical growth. To fulfill this property, a syrup preparation consisting of gotu kola extract, curcuma extract, albumin extract from snakehead fish, honey and date extract is made. The compounds that can modulate the immune system can be obtained from plants. Gotu kola extract can increase children's intelligence and curcuma extract can increase appetite. Albumin extract from fish such as snakehead fish can be used as a source of albumin to increase children's growth. Honey has antimicrobial activity and acts as an antioxidant. Date juice can be a source of energy and a source of iron and can treat constipation problems. This study aims to obtain data on the results of the evaluation and stability test of herbal syrup preparations. The results showed the characteristics of the syrup with a thick liquid texture, brown color and a distinctive smell. The pH of the resulting preparation is between 4.97-5.00 and the viscosity is between 0.516-1.440 poise. The pH of the herbal syrup has met the requirements of Indonesian Pharmacopoeia.


herbal syrup; immunomodulators; food supplements; evaluation


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DOI : https://doi.org/10.32698/GCS-SNIIBIPD3439