The effect of green industry application on greenhouse gas emissions in the industrial activities in indonesia


Global warming is mainly caused by an increase in the concentration of greenhouse gases (GHG) as a result of human activities. CO2 emissions have increased due to industrial advancement that is directly proportional to energy consumption. The green industry is one of the efforts to reduce the increase in GHG emissions. The green industry implementation in Indonesia was initiated in 2010 through a green industry award. This study aims to determine the effect of the green industry in Indonesia on GHG emissions in industrial activities. The research method used in research is a descriptive quantitative method with a secondary data analysis. The results showed that there were a few effects (5.1%) of the green industry on reducing total GHG emissions in industrial activities. The GHG emission in the manufacturing energy sector has decreased which is influenced by the implementation of the green industry with an effectiveness value of 68.2%. The opposite effect occurs in the IPPU (Industrial Processes and Product Use) and waste sectors. The green industry increases GHG emissions in the IPPU sector with an effect of 92.4%, while it has an effect of 81% in increased GHG emissions in the waste sector. The green industry has not had a significant effect on reducing GHG emissions in industrial activities. This is due to the small number of industries that apply the green industry concept. The implementation of the green industry must begin to shift from voluntary to mandatory so that it can affect reducing GHG emissions.


green industry; greenhouse gas emissions; CO2


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