Production of pineapple sticks (Ananascomosus L Merr) and its nutritional analysis


Pineapples are used in several procesed-food industries in the form of jams, syrups, fruit juices, jelly drinks, canned fruit and pineapple chips. One of the uses of pineapple is as an ingredient in manufacturing of snacks such as sticks. The aim of this study was to make pineapple sticks with the addition of pineapple in the form of pineapple jam. The variations in the concentration of pineapple jam added were 0%, 20%, 40% and 60%. Then the content of water, fiber, carbohydrates, fat and protein of pineapple sticks were analyzed. The two-way ANNOVA test was used to analyzed statistically. The basic ingredients of the sticks were made from a mixture of wheat flour, onions, garlic, salt and eggs. The results showed that the optimum of pineapple sticks had water content 1.99%, fiber content 0.99%, carbohydrate content 57.47%, fat content 19.81%, and protein content 8.98%. The addition of pineapple to sticks had significant effect on protein and fiber content but had no significant effect on water, carbohydrate and fat content.


pineapple sticks; water content; fiber content; carbohydrate content; fat content; protein content


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