Hydrolysis of durian seed flour (Durio zibethinus) into glucose using acetic acid catalyst


Glucose is a chemical that is widely used in the industrialization era which is produced through the hydrolysis process of raw materials containing starch. One source of starch is durian seeds (Durio zibethinus) which contain 54.14% starch. About 5-15% of durian fruit are seeds which are waste. The process of hydrolysis of starch to glucose is very slow, so a catalyst is needed to speed up the reaction. Several studies have used HCl, H2SO4, and enzymes as catalysts. Especially for durian seeds, no one has used acetic acid as a catalyst. Acetic acid is more environmentally friendly, but information about the ability of acetic acid to increase glucose levels compared to HCl and H2SO4 is still very little. The aim of this research was to see the performance of acetic acid catalyst at various operating conditions at certain concentrations of hydrolysis time and temperature. The research was conducted with variations in the concentration of glacial acetic acid (2.5; 10; 25%), hydrolysis time (2, 3, 4 hours), and hydrolysis temperature (70, 90,110oC). The results showed that temperature and time played a greater role in the hydrolysis process. Increase in temperature and time will increase glucose levels. The highest glucose levels obtained in this study were at a concentration of 2.5% acetic acid, a temperature of 110oC, and a time of 240 minutes with a glucose level of 158.5 mg/dl.


durian seed; starch; catalyst; glucose; acetic acid


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DOI : https://doi.org/10.32698/GCS-SNIIBIPD3445