Verification of determination of phosphate (PO43-) method in domestic wastewater using the ascorbic acid method with uv-vis spectrophotometer


The research about the verification of determination of phosphate (PO43-) method in domestic wastewater using the ascorbic acid method with UV-Vis spectrophotometer at PT Global Environment Laboratory Samarinda has been done. The determination of phosphate (PO43-) in domestic wastewater samples refers to SNI 06-6989.31-2005. Some important parameters about the verification of the measurement method such as: determination of the value of correlation coefficient measurement, precision, accuracy, LOD and LOQ has been carried out. The result of the research shows that the linearity of the measurement is very good, shown with the correlation coefficient value was 0.9976. The LOD and LOQ values were 0.0281 mg/L and 0.1221 mg/L, respectively. The precision of this method shown as coefficient variance of Horwitz was 3.1242% and the accuracy of the research as a recovery percentage was 89.2-102.68%, indicating that the ascorbic acid method can be used for analysis of phosphate (PO43-) in domestic wastewater.


phosphate (PO43-); ascorbic acid; verification method


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