Application of fresh liquid chlorella as a natural supplement to improve performance and reduce broiler blood cholesterol levels for food safety


Microalgae have been studied for long as a functional foods and as food supplements for health. Microalgae contain nutrients and act as antimicrobials, natural antioxidants, anti-cholesterol and contain growth hormones. The research objective was to determine the application of fresh liquid chlorella (FLC) as a natural supplement on performance and broiler blood cholesterol for food safety. One hundred broilers were grouped into 5 treatments and 4 replications, each group consisting of 5 heads. FLC was given in drinking water with a concentration of K0 = 0 FLC cells FLC ml-1, K1 = 104 FLC cells ml-1, K2 = 105 FLC cells ml-1, K3 = 106 FLC cells ml-1, K4 = 107 FLC cells ml-1. The parameters measured; 1) broiler performance: feed consumption (g), body weight (g), feed conversion, carcass percentage (%); 2) broiler blood cholesterol (mg dl-1). The results showed that supplementation with a concentration of 107 cells FLC ml-1 (K4) gave the best performance, body weight gain increased by 8.5% compared to control (K0). The ration conversion ranged from 1.23 to 1.25 and the percentage of carcass was 4.0% higher than the control. Blood cholesterol decreased in line with the increase in the provision of FLC in drinking water, which was between 135 dl-1 (K0) down to 125 mg dl-1 (K4). Application of FLC in drinking water with a concentration of 107 cells FLC/ml, can improve performance and reduce broiler blood cholesterol for food safety.


broiler; fresh liquid Chlorella; carcass; blood cholesterol level; food savety


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